Customer news Shared ownership

Helping you find a place to call home

We’re determined to give as many people as possible the greatest chance of having a place to call home. We offer various housing types including social and affordable rent, shared ownership, market sale and market rent.

Barbara, a teacher, and her husband Robert, a mechanic, have recently moved into a new shared ownership property in Surrey. This is their story…

Having moved to England from South Africa, they decided that buying a house through the shared ownership scheme was the best option for them. The exchange rates weren’t great, which left them with only enough for a deposit on a home that wouldn’t suit their needs. So, to be able to save a sizeable deposit to buy the home they dreamed of, they would’ve had to save for even longer or move further up north where house prices are cheaper.

They had a large group of family and close friends situated in Surrey, and it was really important to be close to them. They were also drawn to Surrey as it’s a good location for mountain biking, which is an important aspect of their lifestyle and a form of relaxation.

After moving into their new home, they instantly felt more settled. Barbara said: “In one month we had to move twice, as we had to move in with our daughter until our home was released, so we feel very settled now. It’s a lovely area and a beautiful home. It has everything we could wish for, and more. We feel so much more at ease, after 4 years of the transitioning from South Africa to the UK - this home has given us that security and sense of belonging we so needed.

“The process was made really easy too. At every stage, we were given simple steps to follow, and there was always someone to help if we had any questions. It was made as easy as it could be.”

Shared ownership can be a great way to get onto the property ladder, as you don’t need a deposit for 100% of the property price. You can buy a share of the home and pay low-cost rent on the rest. To find out more about the shared ownership scheme, visit our sales website:

We feel so much more at ease, after 4 years of the transitioning from South Africa to the UK - this home has given us that security and sense of belonging we so needed.