Customer news

New channels to replace emails and text message to deliver a better customer service

We know that it’s important for you to be able to contact us easily and to answer any queries that you have quickly, and we’re working on ways to improve our service in these areas.  

As part of this work, we’re introducing new ways for you to get in touch, to replace emails and text messages. This includes a new improved chatbot, messaging through your online account, WhatsApp and livechat with our advisers. This will enable us to capture all the information we need to answer your query as quickly as possible and to provide you with a better service. 

We’ll be turning off our and email addresses and text messaging service on 20 November, so please don’t contact us using text or these email addresses after this date. 

Why are you doing this? 

Often, emails and text messages don’t provide us with all of the information we need to be able to deal with your query or repair, so our Customer Experience team has to find out more information from you before being able to deal with your query. The new contact methods will ensure we capture all the information we need, so our team of advisors can provide you with a response quicker. 

How should I contact you? 

You can find the latest on how to contact us here. On 27 November, we’ll be introducing new contact channels to help to answer your queries, including a new and improved online account and live chat – watch this space for more information! You can also continue to contact us as usual on the phone: 0800 652 0898.

The new contact methods will ensure we capture all the information we need, so our team of advisors can provide you with a response quicker.