Customer news

How we’re improving customer service

We want you to be proud of your home and community and we strive to continuously improve our services. We listen to your feedback, to get a clear understanding of the areas of real importance to you - those that cause the most frustration and where we’re doing well.

Feedback shows that when we contact you, for example to complete a repair to your home or answer a tenancy query, we’re rated highly but there’s a gap between this and your overall perception of us. We’ve identified three areas which will make the most difference to you - getting repairs done quickly and right first time, ease of contacting us and keeping you informed. We’re taking swift action to improve the experience you have of us in these areas, including:

Creating clear service standards

To help make it easier, we’re increasing the size of our Customer Experience team. We have a number of new advisors who have joined the team who are already trained and responding to customer contacts.  As a result, we are starting to see the contact wait times reduce making it easier for you to get your issues resolved.  We’ve also trained new specialists in income and neighbourhoods issues. We hope this will help to resolve your queries quicker. 

We’ll be continuing with our recruitment until we are at full capacity, so hope to see further improvements in the coming months.

Making it easier to contact us

We’re delivering a business-wide transformation programme to improve customer experience. We’re changing the way we work, investing in technology and our people to make it easier for you to contact us. We’ll also be launching a new and improved customer online account later this year, which will have new features that will allow you to contact us in new ways and a library of information to help you to find the answer to your queries quicker and easier.

Improving our communication

We’re trying to reduce the time it takes to get your query answered by our Customer Experience team by increasing the size of our team and aiming to resolve as many queries as possible on the first call.

We’re making improvements to proactively keep you informed of your repairs and enquiries.

Reducing repair wait times

We’ve recruited an additional 20 trades staff to help us get your repairs done quicker.