Customer news

Changes to the way we send you surveys

It’s important for us to know what you think of our services after you have an interaction with us. We use this feedback to make improvements to our services.

We’re making some changes to the way we send you surveys.

You’ll still receive some surveys in the same way we currently send them, but some surveys will be sent from a new number (07401 369965). These new surveys will have a slight difference to the ones you currently receive – you’ll have to click a link to the new survey rather than responding with a text message.

There are two surveys that will be changing initially:

  • Customer Contact – We’ll send you a survey once we resolve a query that you’ve contacted us about
  • Complaints – We’ll send a survey once we resolve your complaint

You’ll receive them as a SMS message, or an email. Our priority is to send them by SMS, but if you don’t have a mobile number on your account we’ll send it via email.

There is a grace period in place for our customer contact survey, which means that once you receive one you won’t receive another for 28 days.

We’ll continue to ask you for feedback on your repairs, planned works, anti-social behaviour cases, and after move-in the same way we currently do.

Here's some frequently asked questions, that you may want the answer to:

Will I get charged for the text messages?

Completing the survey is via a link which takes you to the survey on a web browser, so you may be charged your standard rate for mobile data.

How will the information be used?

Your feedback will help us monitor our performance, as well as help us to evolve to better meet the needs of our customers, so please be open with your responses.

How can I opt out?

If you reply to the SMS with the word ‘STOP’ you’ll be unsubscribed from receiving surveys. In the email there will be a button to unsubscribe from future customer contact and complaint surveys. To opt out of all surveys please contact us.

What will it look like?

Here is an example of the text you'll receive asking for your feedback.