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VIVID Plus: Helping our customers access the support they need

Our tenancy support team are on hand to provide a range of support for when life gets difficult, or when you need support with certain things, such as support with accessibility needs, making adaptations to your home, money advice and more. 

Lynn, one of our Older Persons Support Officers, was walking past one of our customer’s homes and saw smoke coming out of the window. Lynn called the fire brigade and upon access to the property they found that the customer was cooking but had fallen asleep, causing a fire to start. 

Whilst visiting the property, it was evident to Lynn that Gary*, the customer, needed some extra support. Gary faced fire risks, needed adaptations to his property to help with his mobility and required some money advice and support. It was also clear that Gary was lonely and looking for some companionship.  

To help support Gary, Lynn made a referral to adult services at his local council, put in a request for adaptations to be made to his property, assisted with an application for Pension Credit and Attendance Allowance. Lynn also referred Gary on to The Silver Line, who provide support and friendship for older people 24/7 through its befriending service, to help combat social isolation. 

Lynn enlisted the help of Gary’s local fire service who provided him with fire retardant bedding and grab rails were also fitted around the property to increase his mobility and reduce the risk of falls or slipping, when getting in and out of the shower. Gary also now has new lighting installed to the inside and outside of the property, to help improve visibility. He also now has a fall detector and doorbell sounder put in place to help him feel safer and make sure he gets the help he needs, when he needs it. 

Aside from making more practical adjustments to Gary’s home, Lynn helped Gary contact his GP and make hospital appointments, including an audiology appointment to get his hearing aids repaired. Lynn also helped Gary get a free TV licence and bus pass, enabling him to get to his medical appointments and feel more able to travel outside of his home with confidence. Through the successful application for Attendance Allowance, Gary also is now able to get support from carers and now that he’s receiving Pension Credit, he’s better off financially.  

Gary is extremely grateful for the help he’s received from Lynn stating, “I don’t know what I would’ve done without the support I’ve received.” 

If you feel that you or someone in your household would benefit from our tenancy support services, or if you’re looking for some help or advice, please contact us. Alternatively, please visit our support and advice page for more information on how we can help you with your individual needs and circumstances. 

*Name changed for data protection purposes.

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I don’t know what I would’ve done without the support I’ve received.