Press releases Stakeholder news

We’ve more than halved our gender pay gap over 3 years

We’ve recently published our 2020-21 gender and ethnicity pay reports and are proud to announce we’ve continued to significantly reduce our pay gaps across the organisation.  

We value and recognise the importance of a diverse workforce. We want our organisation to be inclusive and remain a great place to work where everyone feels they can give their best and be rewarded fairly. That’s why we’ve worked hard to ensure equal representation of all genders and ethnic backgrounds at all levels and similar roles across the business.  

Over the last three years we’ve more than halved our median gender pay gap from 8.3% down to just 3.7%.  And, we’re hoping to close this even further over the coming years as we continue our focus on supporting and developing women into our leadership roles. We’re making good progress with 60% of our wider leadership roles being held by women, but this drops to 41% for our most senior positions.  We’re looking at ways to improve this and a part of that is continuing to support and maintain flexible working opportunities for women to balance their work and personal lives after maternity leave.  

Another big area of focus for us is continuing to get more women into our trade workforce. We have a target to achieve 9% more women into our trade roles by 2023. To do this we’re partnering with Highbury College to provide students with ‘on the job’ training through work experience and promoting our apprenticeship schemes. We’ve already achieved a 7% increase so feel confident about meeting and exceeding our target.  

Similarly to our gender pay report, we’re also extremely proud that we’ve closed our ethnicity pay gap significantly by more than 10 percentage points from 11.8% to only 1.2%. This is the third year we’ve voluntarily reported our ethnicity pay gap. It’s not yet mandatory to disclose pay on ethnicity grounds but we believe it’s the right thing to do.  

Our pay gap is defined as the difference between the average earnings of ethnic minority employees compared to white employees. 81.5% of staff have chosen to self-disclose their ethnicity data so we have based it on the data we have. To continue reducing our pay gap, we’re reviewing our recruitment sources and vacancy advertising to ensure we’re targeting all talent with our positions fairly. We’ll also continue to support the development of ethnic minorities into our leadership roles.   

We’re proud of what we’ve achieved so far but know we have more to do. We’ll keep promoting our inclusive culture and ensure that VIVID remains a great place to work. 

You can find more information and read our 2020-21 pay reports in full by clicking the below: 

Our Gender Pay Report 2020-21 

Our Ethnicity Pay Report 2020-21 


We value and recognise the importance of a diverse workforce. We want our organisation to be inclusive and remain a great place to work where everyone feels they can give their best and be rewarded fairly.