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As you can see, we’re making a real difference with the work we’re doing in our local area

Customer news

Meet your VIVID Impact panel

VIVID Impact, our scrutiny panel, takes an independent view of VIVID’s performance to ensure customers’ voices are heard and acted upon.

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Customer news

January 24 Research Project

We’re really committed to understanding our customers’ needs, as this will help us improve the service we provide for you. To do this, we’re undertaking a research project to gain insight into our customers’ lives, experiences, strengths and challenges.

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Customer news

Our 2023 Christmas opening hours and support available during the festive season

Over the Christmas and New Year period, due to bank holidays, there’ll be some changes to our opening hours.

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Customer news

Christmas money saving tips 2023

Some helpful tips and ideas on how to save money on food, gifts and travel this Christmas.

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Customer news

Cheap places to eat out with the kids over the festive holidays

The festive season is here, and the kids are off for the holidays! Going out for food is a lovely treat but can quickly become very expensive. To help, we've made a list of deals and cheaper places to eat out with the kids over the holidays.

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Customer news Press releases VIVID Plus

Find your local food pantry

Food pantries provide access to fresh food at a lower cost than supermarkets and shops. Unlike a food bank, no referral is required, meaning anyone can become a member and make use of the service.

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