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As you can see, we’re making a real difference with the work we’re doing in our local area

Customer news Hampshire Research Wellbeing

New housing research project underway

We’re working on an exciting new research project that'll exploring the impact the quality of your home and the environment has on your wellbeing and experience of the home.

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Hampshire Press releases Support Wellbeing

We're supporting new service for those at risk of domestic violence and stalking

We're working with HIWCF to support and fund the first Hampshire-based trials of ‘Hollie Guard Extra’, a safety service for victims of domestic abuse and stalking.

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Hampshire Press releases

VIVID donates £250k to local communities to help vulnerable people affected by coronavirus

VIVID pledged funding to community groups and foodbanks that are helping vulnerable people across Hampshire and parts of Surrey and West Berkshire through the coronavirus pandemic

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Benefits Customer news Hampshire

Benefits freeze comes to an end

The government's benefit freeze is coming to an end in April

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Customer news Hampshire

What to do about storm damage

What to do if bad weather damages your home

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Customer news Hampshire Press releases Wellbeing

Residents go a’wassailing as government commission urges house builders to plant more fruit trees

Residents go a’wassailing as government commission urges house builders to plant more fruit trees

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